SHED Happens!


1.5-Hour Course $160.00 + one-time enrollment fee $35.00

Are you ready to learn the puzzle of pet shedding? Our course Shed Happens offers a deep dive into the how, why, and when of pet shedding. It's time to unravel the mystery behind those fur tumbleweeds around the house.

Our shedding guide offers a captivating exploration of the shedding process. You'll discover why your pet sheds, how this process varies across breeds, and what triggers seasonal shedding patterns. This knowledge is crucial for any pet groomer or bather. Our course offers practical tips and strategies to help you keep your customers home hair-free and their pets healthy. You'll learn how diet, health, and grooming techniques are crucial in controlling shedding and spotting health issues. Say goodbye to unwanted fur and hello to valuable insights into your pet's well-being.

How to Enroll:

  1. Enroll Now
    For incoming students, a one-time enrollment fee is required.

  2. Fill out your online application.

  3. Follow the enrollment instructions emailed to you and begin your training!

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Anatomy of A Wire Coat