Self-Awareness of Your Energy While you Groom


4-Hour Hybrid Course $300.00 + one-time enrollment fee $35.00 MHA Diploma Course

Are you ready to improve your grooming skills and create a calm environment for you and the pets? Our course focuses on energy awareness and management for groomers. Learn to project positive energy and enhance grooming sessions for a peaceful experience. Enroll now to join a community of mindful groomers online. Start your journey today!

How to Enroll:

  1. Enroll Now
    For incoming students, a one-time enrollment fee is required.

  2. Fill out your online application.

  3. Follow the enrollment instructions emailed to you and begin your training!

Enroll Now

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Course Instructor

Meditation in the Workplace
Recognizing Stress in Yourself
Understanding Animal Transition from Life to Spirit
The Elusive Allergy
Introduction to Essential Oils