Meditation in the Workplace


2-Hour Course $200.00 + one-time enrollment fee $35.00 MHA Diploma Course

Are you seeking a way to enhance your focus and productivity at work? Discover the transformative power of meditation with our uniquely crafted course designed for those in fast-paced careers, including the bustling world of pet grooming.

Our course teaches various forms of meditation that you can easily integrate into your daily work routine. Learn to harness the art of meditation effectively and safely, even in a bustling work environment. Our expert-led sessions delve into the benefits of meditation and show you how it can positively impact your workday, enhancing your well-being and professional efficiency as a pet grooming professional. Join our course and redefine your work experience with meditation!

How to Enroll:

  1. Enroll Now
    For incoming students, a one-time enrollment fee is required.

  2. Fill out your online application.

  3. Follow the enrollment instructions emailed to you and begin your training!

Enroll Now

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Course Instructor

Communicating With the Animal On Your Table
Introduction to Essential Oils
Recognizing Stress in Yourself
Self-Awareness of Your Energy While you Groom
Understanding Animal Transition from Life to Spirit